We believe in this

«He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, And He will pay back what he has given»

Proverbs 19:17


Who we are?

About Us

The Alcance Foundation, Inc. promotes opportunities for development and comprehensive training for families living in conditions of social vulnerability, providing them with basic necessities, psychoeducational talks, and spiritual support.

We want you to get to know us…

Our Projects

Brochure El Cauca

Through this initiative...

Christmas Gifts

The time is approaching when excited children...

Little Ones of Santos de Comerío

Every December, we experience profoun...

Reaching African Childhood

In September 2023, we held the event ‘Reaching African Childhood,’...

Helping Hand in Puerto Rico

Our mission as a Foundation is to extend a helping...

Andrés Proyect

The Alcance Foundation is committed...

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